Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Have E-Readers Killed the Bookcover?

I just finished reading an article on the YALSA blog really struck a chord with me and had to share it. Have E-readers Killed the Bookcover? gives a valuable teen perspective on the e-reader craze and the effect of e-readers on teen book choice.

Ultimately, it seems that many teens don't feel as confident about choosing a book they will like when browsing electronically - they like to come into the library or store and handle the book physically and look at the cover, then go home and add the book to their e-reader. I'm in that camp, myself - despite being Ms. Recycles-Everything-Grows-Vegetables-Save-the-Planet, I just love the physicality of books and I'm having trouble jumping on the e-reader bandwagon. I certainly feel the need to see a physical copy before I read an electronic copy. Call me an old fogey if you'd like. I have an e-reader, I use it very occasionally, but the books just don't grab me in the same way.

I want to like e-books. I think they're a wonderful thing, and I love helping patrons with their e-readers - so what is my issue? I've happily read fanfiction online since the 8th grade, so it isn't a screen problem. There is just something about holding a book in my hands, seeing the cover and feeling its weight, that helps me make my decision. Perhaps that sense will fade with time as e-books take a greater percentage of the market, or perhaps it's a personal thing that will stick with me as long as the physical book remains an option. Either way, I'll readily admit that the cover does play a role in my decision to read a book, and I've included a few images of books that I picked up solely for the cover and ended up loving. Don't let cover-judging guilt keep you from reading a great book!

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